
viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

Forming Of Metal

In this new post we aim to explain the technique of forming materials, for it will do two differences, hot forming and cold forming, by the way, this post is in English!!!!!

As for the hot forming discuss:

  • Lamination
  • Extrusion
  • Forging
Referred to cold forming:

  • Drawing
  • Bending or folding
  • Court
  • Paste

                                          Hot Forming

· Lamination:

It is a continuous forging process involves modifying a metallic mass by passing between rollers superimposed, which rotate in opposite directions.

Lamination is normally hot, however, there is a cold rolling: cold rolled metals acquire pungency and must be subjected to final annealing operation, even in an intermediate cover.

· Extrusion:

The extrusion is to mold or metal bars profile forcing the material in the pasty state to pass through a nozzle or die with suitable cross section, pushing a piston. The ductile mass flows through an orifice by means of a strong impact or compression, caused by a plunger or punch, for deforming a part of constant section, hollow or not, and the length depends primarily on the contribution made ​​material. Obtained section profiles or tubes perfectly uniform and excellent finish. The extrusion can be done hot or cold.

· Forging:

A method of forming by plastic deformation in which, in addition to efforts external thermal energy is used, ie a hot working process.
Forging may be free or die. The first does not impose any specific form of the tool, the latter requires the construction of an engraving reproducing the shape and dimensions of the piece to forging. The effects of forging, are:

-Elimination of internal defects: the crushing of the mass of metal, produces the flattening of the inner cavities, the walls, if not oxidized, it being perfectly welded together intimately.

Similarly, segregations, the default of the combined heat and pressure, are decreased, improving the homogeneity of the material.

Grain-Refining: depends on the operating temperature and strain rate. In some cases the decrease is achieved grain size and others is achieved in a better disposition of the fibers. In both cases improve the mechanical properties of the metal.

 Forja por martinete

Forja horizontal.

                                           Cold forming

· Drawing:

In the stretched by reduction of the section for certain shapes and dimensions
It requires a series of technological conditions that must be met:

-Stepping appropriate section cuts. Being a cold forming process to be monitored so as not to exceed the limits imposed by each material, since the acrimony acquired cause rupture of the bar or bodies of work.
-Construction of the array or row, according to job requirements. This implies adequate hardness and polishing, and a correct entry angle.
-Filler material of good quality. Ie free from internal defects and with the free outer surface of hulls.
-Using the proper lubricant. To decrease the friction between the die and the material, which results in a better finish and in a reduction of the tensile stresses that must resist.

· Bending or folding:

In working with sheet metal bending is defined as the deformation of metal around a straight axis, during the bending operation the metal within the neutral plane is compressed, while the metal outside the neutral plane stretches. The metal is plastically deformed, so that the bending takes a permanent efforts to remove it caused. The bend produces little or no change in the thickness of the metal sheet.

· Court:

On the court, we could speak of shearing, as great reference:
Shearing is separation without chip sheets and profiles. Loscortes can be made in a linear or curved in any length.

The shearing has the following advantages:
- The material is machined by chip removal
- Paths can be kept exactly
- Separate surfaces require only little work of refinement
- The shearing process develops rapidly
- Conducting cutting can be done in a linear or curved

· Paste:

Although the hot soldering is the most common method for joining metals, often not available or the welders indispensable tools to accomplish specific. Another option is the glue or putty, safer and easier to handle, with which you can make solid joints is called cold welding

No heat can be applied in some metals, such as pewter and lead, and that melt at very low temperatures. Additionally, the torch damage the patina of many metal objects. Can be used to repair adhesives and putties, which provisionally or definitively replaced by heat welding. Most useful are described below.

         -Glue epoxy resin.

They consist of two components to be mixed so that the solder hardens. When applied, can be covered with plastic or a piece of aluminum foil to avoid dripping. They make very strong joints.

         -Cyanoacrylate glues.

Beaten metal in seconds. They are suitable for repairing small areas.


They consist of an adhesive and hardener, which are mixed in equal parts with your fingers to make a dough designed to fill cracks, cracks and weld defects. They harden in cold, even with the water, so they are also used to fix pressure pipes and joints. If metal powder is added, better finishing, and include but some.

I hope that helps serve again to all those who want to know a little more about the forming of metals, please visit the blog, until next time.

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